Happy birthday to you, happy birthday Obama, Happy birthday to you. Did you sing this song? Not, yet? What are you waiting for? Today is the birthday of world’s most powerful person, Mr. Barack Hussain Obama.
The first African American president is celebrating his 50th birthday on Aug 4, today. We bring you few interesting facts about lifecycle-
19- He was nineteen when he had two poems, “Pop” and “Underground,” published in the journal ‘Feast’.
27- He was twenty-seven when he arrived at law school.
42- He was forty-two and a state senator when he emerged as a surprisingly popular candidate for the U.S. Senate.
44- Obama was of forty-four when he spoke at the Rosa Park’s funeral. He was relatively a stranger to the audience in Detroit till then.
45- He was 45 when Remnick asked him if he might run for President in 2008.
47- He was 47 and was sworn in as the forty-fourth President.
47- He was 47 and was awarded by the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’.
50- He is now fifty and happily living with his wife Michelle, 47, Sasha, 10, Malia, 13. Before few days of his birthday he successfully managed to bring his country from debt crisis. His achievements includes withdrawing combat troops from Iraq, New START arms control treaty with Russia, enforcement of the United Nations-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya, killing of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
Are these reasons not enough to wish this birthday boy a ‘happy birthday’?
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